Joseph Morukhuladi
2024 Aug 11 15:36
JavaScript Library
A JavaScript library to seamlessly transition HTML elements into a users view
So I created a JavaScript library that transitions or animates elements when they appear on a user's screen. Let's talk about why I built it and why you should use it.

Hi there, I am back again with another blog I wrote in my spare time from my extremely busy life.
I bet you didn't believe that intro right? I wouldn't too. But enough of that, let's get to it.

So I have been a front end developer for some time now, At first thought it would just require HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make it as a front end developer. Well I wasn't wrong about that, but there's so much more to learn!

A while back when I was browsing through content on my social media, I started noticing these cool web designs with moving or floating components.
I got intrigued by these designs but saw it would be challenging to create these animations with code.
So I decided to push myself and created DOM Flowt.

I haven't done any research but I am sure there are other libraries that work similar to DOM Flowt.
But I am a guy who likes creating stuff, so I went straight to creating DOM Flowt.

DOM Flowt is a lightweight JavaScript library for performing animations on elements as they appear into a users view.

This website www.bebdevelopment.co.za uses this library, I am sure you have seen some smooth elements fade and float in on most pages.

The thing I like about this library is that it has only one purpose and it is not mixed with any other functionalities that do not relate to its description.
And another reason why I like it is because it is easy to extend! So any developer and fork it and extend it however they please.

You can find the files at the DOM Flowt github page
I am constantly working on improving this library and I would love it if anyone would throw some suggestions too.
Remember, if you try it out and like it, please share it with other developers!

I am always looking to making the web development spot an easier place for other developers. It's a cool space to be in.

Well that's all from me for now,
Until we meet again
Enjoy using DOM Flowt!